1. lékařská fakulta Univerzita Karlova 1. lékařská fakulta Univerzita Karlova IV. Interní klinika 1.LF UK a VFN

4. ročník zubního lékařství (dentistry)



Examination Questions in Propaedeutic in Internal Medicine for 4th year Dentistry

Update: September 15, 2021

1. Basic physical examination methods

2. Principles of case history, the contact with patients of various age groups

3. General examination of a patient - status of consciousness, quantity and quality; meningeal signs

4. Main parts of the case history and their content

5. General examination of a patient- position and mobility, standing and gait

6. Dyspnoe

7. General examination of a patient- body shape (habitus), nutritional status

8. Basic symptoms of heart diseases

9. General examination of a patient - status of hydration, edemas

10. Basic symptoms of diseases of esophagus, stomach and intestine

11. General examination of a patient – skin

12. Chest pain

13. General examination of a patient - changes of skin and mucosa

14. Auxiliary examination methods in kidney and urinary tract diseases

15. Breathing and its disorders. Assessment and evaluation of body temperature

16. Abdominal pain

17. Assessment of voice, speech and hearing; important pathological changes in these areas

18. Basic symptoms of diseases of liver, biliary system and pancreas

19. Examination of the skull, nose and ears, assessment of facial innervation, important pathological changes in these regions

20. Cough

21. Physical (somatic) examination and important pathological changes – eyes

22. Basic symptoms of diseases of the peripheral arteries and veins

23. Physical (somatic) examination and important pathological changes - oral cavity, lips

24. General symptoms of internal diseases - tiredness, anorexia, weight loss

25. Physical (somatic) examination of the neck

26. Basic laboratory tests of blood, urine; oral glucose tolerance test

27. Examination of pulse and blood pressure, physiological values

28. Auxiliary examination methods in gastrointestinal diseases

29. Physical (somatic) examination of the thorax lungs

30. Basic symptoms of kidneys and urinary tract diseases

31. Physical examination of the heart

32. Basic symptoms of diseases of the locomotion system

33. Examination of the circulatory system

34. Disorders of swallowing, nausea, vomiting

35. Medical documentation: parts and forms; rules for handling and protection of personal data

36. Physical (somatic) examination and symptoms of pleural disease. Pneumothorax and fluidothorax

37. Technique of blood and blood derivates transfusion; assessment of blood groups

38. Basic pulmonary syndromes

39. Electrophysiological diagnostic methods in internal medicine

40. Physical (somatic) examination of the abdomen

41. Basic rules for collection and processing of biological samples

42. Physical (somatic) examination of the liver, biliary system and spleen;ascites

43. Auxiliary examination methods in diseases of lungs, pleura and mediastinum

44. Physical (somatic) examination of kidneys and urinary tract

45. Main symptoms of pulmonary diseases

46. Physical (somatic) examination of the locomotion system

47. Overview of imaging methods in internal medicine

48. Physical (somatic) examination of lower extremities

49. Auxiliary examination methods in heart diseases



Questions from Internal Medicine - 4th Schoolyear Dentistry

1. Respiratory failure

2. Portal hypertension: esophageal varices, bleeding from esophageal varices

3. Hyperthyreosis

4. Acute complications of diabetes mellitus

5. Liver cirrhosis

6. Type 2 diabetes mellitus

7. Lung cancer

8. Pulmonary embolism

9. Pneumonia, lung abscess

10. Hemolytic anemia

11. Idiopathic bowel diseases

12. Bronchial asthma

13. Bleeding disorders related to platelets: thrombocytopathy, thrombocytopenia

14. Icterus (jaundice)

15. Acute glomerulonephritis

16. Arthritis of infectious origin

17. Adrenal gland diseases

18. Risk factors of atherosclerosis

19. Non-Hodgkin and Hodgkin lymphomas

20. Gastrointestinal bleeding (hematemesis, melena, enterorrhagy)

21. Viral hepatitis

22. Glomerulonephritis

23. Lung tuberculosis

24. Cholelithiasis and chronic cholecystitis

25. Gastric and duodenal ulcers


26. Chronic obstructive lung dinase (COLO)

27. Acute and chronic pancreatitis

28. Colon cancer

29. Metabolic syndrome

30. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)

31. Myeloprolipherative diseases (exception for chronic myeloid leukemia)

32. Thyroid gland inflammation and tumor s

33. Type 1 diabetes mellitus

34. Urolithiasis, nephrolithiasis

35. Dyslipidemia

36. Bleeding disorders related to coagulation impairment

37. Esophagus diseases

38. Chronic lymphatic leukemia

39. Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus

40. Osteoporosis

41. Acute cholecystitis and cholangoitis

41. Hemoptysis

42. Infections of urinary tract and acute pyelonephritis

43. Obesity

44. Iron-deficiency anemia

45. Gastric and duodenal tumors

46. Megaloblastic anemia and pernicious anemia

47. Cushing syndrome

48. Hypothyreosis

Poslední aktualizace 20. 11. 2021


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