1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 4th Medical Department

Clinic structure

The Block Diagram of the Department


Leading workers

head of the Department:prof. MUDr. Radan Brůha, CSc. 

head physician and deputy head of the Department:MUDr. Jaroslav Macášek, Ph.D. 

deputy for science and research:prof. MUDr. Aleš Žák, DrSc. 

deputy for education:as.MUDr. Tomislav Švestka, CSc. 

supervisor of nursing of the Department:Mgr. Petra Králová

Standard bed wards

Bed ward A (men) (H-GE), 15 beds - responsible MUDr. R. Hainer

Bed ward B (women), 15 beds - responsible as. MUDr. R. Šroubková

Bed ward C (men) (general internal) 16 beds - responsible as. MUDr. T. Vařeka

Bed ward D (women) (general internal) 16 beds - responsible as. MUDr. Eva Meisnerová

Intensive care unit

Merge ICU1 and ICU2 to ICU, total number of beds 10; Head od Unit MUDr. Radka Čapková

No-bed sections and laboratories

Endoscopic Department of GFH (G-GE) - responsible as. MUDr. J. Petrtýl, CSc.

Gastroenterologické oddělení FP - responsible doc. MUDr. T. Krechler, CSc.

Ultrasonography (H-GE) - responsible as. MUDr. Renata Šroubková

Lithotrypsy Center (H-GE) - responsible prof. prof. MUDr., RNDr. J. Beneš, CSc.

Echocardiographic Laboratory - responsible as. MUDr. K. Goričan, CSc.

Ergometry - responsible as. MUDr. K. Goričan, CSc.

Ambulatory ward for Holter monitoring of arrythmia and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring - responsible as. MUDr. K. Goričan, CSc.

Hyperbaric Oxygenotherapy Section - responsible MUDr. S. Svobodová

Ambulatory wards at the department

General ambulatory ward - MUDr. J. Mengerová

Specialised ambulatory wards:   

- Diabetologic - responsible doc. MUDr. M. Zeman, CSc.   

- Gastroenterologic - responsible MUDr. K. Lukáš, CSc.   

- Cardiologic - responsible as. MUDr. K. Goričan, CSc.   

- Lipidologic - responsible prof. MUDr. A. Žák, DrSc.   

- Nutritional disorders - responsible doc. MUDr. F. Novák, Ph.D.

Research Units

Laboratory for the treatment of atherosclerosis

- in charge - RNDr. M. Vecka, Ph.D.

Hepatologic laboratory (H-GE) - joint unit with CBB

- in charge - Prof. MUDr. L. Vítek, Ph.D.

Lipid laboratory - joint unit with CBB

- joint unit with CBB

Angiological research laboratory

- in charge - RNDr. M. Vecka, Ph.D.

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